Episode One - Paper Growth Chart


Keeping track of a child's height is important - it is one of the most tangible and relevant ways of sharing the concept of growth over time. A quick way to chart these growth milestones is to use raised tactile marker on standard growth chart. This also gives your child access to their own data so that they can follow their height over time!

This episode can be viewed in the player above and is also posted on the PRCVI YouTube channel where you will find links to other resources as well as the comments thread for this video.

Linked here is a PDF version of the Paper Growth Chart recipe. 

Key ingredients

  • Paper growth chart
  • Wikki Stix and/or fabric (puffy) paint
  • Child’s name sticker with foam shape

Mixing it together

  • Choose a flat surface in your home where the growth chart can be mounted.
  • Measure your child’s height on the chart and together with your child affix the tactile marker onto the chart.
  • The tactile marker can be created with a Wikki Stix or fabric paint for a permanent tactile marking.
  • Together with your child, place their name sticker beside the marker. You might also want to record the date.

Topping off the recipe

  • Include other family members on the growth chart, using both tactile markers and name stickers.
  • Assign a different tactile marker (shape) to each family member.
  • The child looking at the chart can then see and feel the difference between their height and their family member’s height.
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