Braille Support in Windows Narrator

More and more devices have been incorporating accessibility features throughout the past decade. First the Mac, then iOS devices, then Android devices, and finally Windows incorporated screen reader and magnification features. Windows made major updates to Narrator, its built-in screen reader, with the release of Windows 8 and Windows 10. And with the latest update to Windows 10, Microsoft has added braille support to Narrator.

To see whether your version of Windows 10 supports braille, open Narrator with Windows + Control + N and select the option to download braille (preview). After installing braille, you can add a braille display through USB or serial ports and can adjust options such as the input and output braille codes (UEB is supported). For more information, visit Using Narrator with braille. You can also see a list of supported braille displays.

If you’ve never used Narrator, Microsoft has created a complete guide to Narrator that goes through features from basic to advanced. Microsoft also has a YouTube video, embedded below, that goes over the basics of how to navigate with Narrator.

About the author

Jen Jesso

I have worked in various roles in the field of visual impairment since 2007. In addition to working as a teacher of students with visual impairments, I recently completed coursework to become an orientation and mobility specialist. I have been fortunate to work with the fantastic team at PRCVI since 2014.

I enjoy many aspects of my role at PRCVI, but highlights include working with teachers of students with visual impairments and their students on outreach visits and working on PRCVI initiatives and projects.

Outside of work, my interests include reading, computer programming, swimming, and spending time with friends and family.

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